What a brilliant concept.
Lots of people all wanting to go to the same place, at the same time... so, stick 'em in a box, make 'em sit next to someone they don't want to sit next to and listen to music from someone else's earphones.
I loved it.
People got on and, because we were standing in the aisle everyone had to walk passed me. I was stroked, tugged, smiled at, scratched and all manner of other pleasant things.
In fact, I was so happy I lost control of my tongue. Fortunately, no-one noticed me licking the old guy's trousers... he was standing next to me, looking out of the window. He did, however, look slightly perplexed and a little embarrassed at the warm wet patch that had developed at the top of one of his legs.
When I'd finished licking, I thought I'd have a look out the window and I got a bit confused.
There were lots of people on the bus going the same way I was I was going, but there were an awful lot more who weren't.
Why not?
What was up with them? Didn't they want to come with me? Or did they just not know where I was going? Or, most disastrous of all, was I going to the wrong place?
Renee talks about this a lot... not buses. Business Development.
She says building a business is about three things:
- Letting people know that there's a bus to get them to the right place (Marketing)
- Persuading them to get on board so we can help them get there (Sales)
- Making sure they stay on board until it's time for them to get off (Service)
I couldn't have put it better meself.
So, there you have it. Business Development is like owning a bus. But, the thing is, somehow, we forget these simple principles and we lose sight of the route. That means either we, or our customers, end up at trhe wrong place!
Why is that?
Renee thinks that it's because we get busy and we have to concentrate on 'doing the job' rather than developing the business.
Of course, it could just be that you haven't got a cute dog to get people on your bus...