It's only been just over a year, but now I know that I'm a woofer who's appreciated in this office.
Yes, I have my own email address:
All I can say is: 'It's about time!'
You see, I'm an employee of this business like any other and I need to know that I'm valued... just like everyone else.
Now that the economic conditions seem to be easing a little bit (you may ask how, as a labradoodle, I know about economic conditions. It's quite simple. I'm getting a better class of dog biscuit of course!) and businesses are taking on people again, it's worth considering motivation just a little.
Think about it for a moment.
Throughout the recruitment process you've been telling your candidates that your business is a brilliant place to work in the hope of attracting the very best of them.
And then they turn up on day 1 and you don't have an email address for them. Or a PC. Or a desk. Or a mug.
What does that say to them. I know what it doesn't say to me: 'This is a great place to work.'
Just very simple things, like making sure there are enough mugs and getting email addresses sorted out before your new member of staff arrives will increase their motivation and make them better employees.
That's why I'm pleased to get my new email address but wish Renee had got it earlier.
Now that you can get me at why don't you give it a go? You can send me any of your business problems and I'll reply. I can't promise that my answers will help, I'm a dog.
They might be funny, though! And I might publish them on my blog...