Wednesday, 12 October 2011

There's a book in all of us...

Me other human, Richard, has written a book and by lucky chance, some poor, gullible publisher has published it.


I know I'm supposed to be dead impressed and all that but, c'mon, write about something worthwhile, like... sleeping, food or sniffing another dog's unmentionables.  I know... write it about how fabulous I am!

(I know he did that in last week's blog, but it was rather too tongue in cheek for my liking... and apart from that I wasn't sure I could believe him because he's always calling me names such as 'hopeless hound' and 'mutt'.

Jealousy is a cruel mistress.

But, no, he's not written his book about that sort of thing.  It's what you humans call 'a thriller'.  Nothing very thrilling in it if you ask me, just a load of guff about a guy who's brilliant in business but goes too far when putting a deal together.  He ends up double crossing the wrong person.  It turns out the man who's been double crossed is althogether too powerful and he sets about dismantling our hero's business, then his life.

It all ends with a chase across London and invloves some pretty shady deals, drugs, a bit of sex, double crosses and quite a lot of bad language.  I couldn't honestly let me mum read it!

I mean, what's exciting about that?

But then, as Renee says, it takes all sorts.  Whenever she's thought that something or someone wasn't quite her cup of tea but she'd got to know them, they've always been really interesting in their own way.

Now, she says, she doesn't judge anyone or anything based on what she thinks they'll be like.  She takes every new client who comes in on their own merits and, on every occasion, tries to help them achieve their goals.  She does this by getting to know their business and what they want from it.

It was Richard's goal to a write a book.  I'm still not going to read it, though... I can't.  I'm a dog.

P.S.  I can't read it - but you might like to... you can get it here: