Monday, 27 August 2012

Are you Hubbed up?

Me human Richard, along with some chums, has set up another new business...

Why he should want to do it is beyond me.  He's already most un-woofer like with all his running around.  He should learn to chillax more... rather like his furry friend.  (That's me).

That's all by the by - he's set up this community based magazine... which has grown arms and legs and now encompasses loads of stuff.

So let's start at the top:

The magazine.  It's an A5 job and I know what you're thinking, 'cos I was thinking the same thing meself: there are a few of these mags about.  Apparently, this one is a bit different though.  It carries more local interest stories than may be some other mags, with features on Local Heroes and Business Spotlights as well  as other local stuff.

It looks good, too... although that's nuffing to do with Richard, that's all Colin at

It has to be said that advertising is pretty good value, too.  That's because the team ain't trying to make money, just cover the costs.

And that's not all...

The mag is being backed up by a website as well.  Apparently it's being built as we speak but you can see the latest mags on the site:  The website will promote local businesses but will also have info about the location where you're based (so far there's Musselburgh and Corstorphine, but there'll be others, too).  It's also going to have 'living history' pages: very exciting and more about that later.

There are other things in the pipeline: like an i-phone app and networking events for local businesses.  But the point is: what do you want to see on a local site like this?

More doggy stuff I'd imagine.

Answers on a postcard or, better still, an email to