Wednesday, 27 March 2013

I'm Outraged... as usual

Oy oy me old muckers.  I'm back; after quite an absence I'm blogging again.

I blame me human Richard.  You see I don't do the actual typing meself... I have a servant (Richard) to do it for me.  You never know what you might catch from an unsanitised keyboard... especially after he's been tickling the keys.

Anyway, I was inspired to write (well, dictate) because when I tried to get on the bus the other day me human was charged £1.50.  Yes!  £1.50.  Not £1.40.  £1.50.

The fares on Lothian Buses went up to £1.50 on 24th March and I found myself outraged.

(I neatly sidestepped the fact that, as a woofer, I don't actually pay.  I thought to meself: why spoil a good story by being troubled with the facts?)

Anyway, we got away with it because Renee had an extra 10p in the depths of her pockets.  There'd have been no chance if it had been Richard, who doesn't carry your actual cash.

So, there I was with me fur bristling and a growl deep in me throat.  I can't say too many people were terribly scared, in fact, most of them were laughing at me.  Nevertheless, outraged I was.  How dare they put up the fare by 10p?  I suppose it was because they need money to pay for the trams.

And that set me off in another direction.  The trams!  What on Earth is going on there?  What with pictures of politicians all smiling and happy on the first test run... which seemed to me to be about 100 yards along one tiny section of track.  Big deal.

And then the price of a first class stamp!  60p?  60p!  For delivering a tiny piece of paper anywhere in the UK.  It's outrageous.  I was outraged.

But then I got to thinking.  What was I complaining about?  All of these things still represent the bargain of the century.

Think about it this way: let's just see how far you get on your £1.50 taxi ride.  You can imagine it can't you.  'Take me into town as far as £1.50 will go.'

I think you'll find you have a fairly short journey.

And then 60p for a stamp.  To anywhere!  Try delivering that yourself for the same price.

So, I've decided only to outraged at certain things (like a lack of biscuits) and I'm going to try and recognise value for money where I see it.

Speaking of which, you can always try for real value for money.

See what I did there?