The clocks have gone back which, to my mind, means that it gets late early, if you see what I mean.
The weather is finally cooling down, the wind is blowing and the rain is falling... which is why it baffles me that me humans decided to get me a haircut now, just when I could really do with keeping me golden locks.
In fairness they have been trying to get me a shearing for a while without much success. The lady who used to do me (so to speak) is having a break 'cos she's not been very well and another guy took one look at me dreads, shook his head and said, 'Sorry, I dursn't touch them!' And left pretty smartish.
Eventually, though, me human Renee got a recommendation from a lady down the pub, she rang the place and Richard delivered me yesterday afternoon to get a trim.
He was given fairly strict instructions by Renee about what he had to say:
- A good trim
- But not too much off
- Don't brush
- Use scissors, not clippers
- Tidy up face (the cheek of it)
- Trim in belly area
- Sort out the extra furry bits around me nether regions so clinkers don't form
Well, the bloke was as good as his word (and clearly terrified of making a mistake) because he left me pretty shaggy... which is nice.
Except around me gentleman's area.
I got a good shave around me bum and balls and me gentleman sausage too.
The problem is, I'm now aware of it 'cos I can feel a breeze and have the constant desire to... erm... shall we say 'tidy it up' at regular intervals.
I just know Richard is praying for someone to make the appropriate comment when I'm sitting in the middle of the floor with one leg behind me ear and me nose buried down below; you know the one:
'Oooh! I wish I could do that!'
To which, of course, the only acceptable response is (altogether now): 'Give him a bone and he might let you!'
Boom Boom.
Anyway, my haircut wasn't too drastic so I'm still able to keep relatively warm.
So, on to the shop. Things continue to move: the lease is going backwards and forwards between solicitors, quotes are coming in thick and fast, the architect is almost finished and we're starting the process of getting 'sharers' - people who are going to rent desks from us: if you know of anyone who is looking for a desk, point them in my direction.
In fact, the only thing that's holding us up is Planning Permission which should be through in a couple of weeks... so watch this space 'cos there's a big party coming!
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