Tuesday 8 March 2011


My human needs help.

And I’m the woofer to give it to her. She has all my insights and experience at her disposal; but does she ask for my wisdom? No!

But why is she in so much need of my (free) advice?

It’s simple. She’s falling into the age old trap that some of you furless ones call ‘victim of her own success’.

I first got an inkling that things need changing when she cancelled a networking meeting because she was too busy. Too busy! I ask you!

But then the penny really dropped with me when I heard her say to my other human that she ‘hadn’t had chance to do any of her work today because she’d been out marketing.’

Now, I’m sure that, like me, you can see the obvious flaw in her thinking... but, just in case you can’t I shall point it out to you. She runs a business that happens to be an accountancy practice. She has two, very good and very capable, people working for her to complete the accounts and do the ‘numbers’ work... (which is what she meant when she said ‘work’).

Her job is to make sure the business continues to grow in the right way, that clients are happy with the work we do and to manager her team.

Or, to put it a simpler way, networking is the work.

There, can I put it any plainer than that?

I don’t think so...

For those of you who haven’t the benefit a furry business adviser, let me give you the full blast of me wisdom on this matter.

Most people who run their own business are very good at what they do, whether it be plumber, carpenter, consultant or anything else for that matter. If they are any good then, with a little marketing and effort, they will get busy. They start getting referrals and get busier. Soon they are so busy they meet themselves coming back. (That’s a doggy phrase).

At this point they should either get someone to help them so they can concentrate on running the business or they should give up, ‘cos they are going to be knackered for the rest of their lives. Of course, they could just refuse to take on any more business and put their prices up. There is that option, I will concede!

Given, though, that my human is building a business, which option should she be pursuing? I think it’s option 1. Get some more help do to the accounts... so she can get on with the real work.

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