Tuesday 6 September 2011

A dog of many flavours

You see, I’m a pretty perfect woofer...

I look good, I sound good and by God, I smell good.

That last bit isn’t true unless you believe the smell of river water is the equivalent Armani Pour Homme.

The point is, though, why would me owner need another dog? But then I looked around a bit and realised that me position as top dog might not be totally unassailable after all.

If she needed a dog to go really fast she could get one of those really thin dogs with a face like a dart... although there’s not much to get hold of... in fact I’ve seen more meat on a butcher’s apron... they are very fast, though, if you need a fast dog.

I have to admit, they’d probably edge it in a 100 yard dash if I challenged them to a race.

And what about if me owner wanted some serious protection. Now I’m no chicken, but I’m a lover not a fighter and I wouldn’t be much good in a dust up! But one of those huge, barrel chested mutts would... all slavering fangs and claws.

No, I thinks to meself, perhaps I need to be a bit careful...

It’s the same in a business. The business owner nearly always believes they are the best person to do everything in their business, even as it grows. The reality is, though, as their business grows there will be other people who are better suited to doing some of the tasks a business needs to be done...

For example, as a business grows admin gets more and more of a burden. Is better for the owner to do the admin or employ someone to do it whilst they go out and win more business?

Or maybe it’s the specialist jobs that need to be filled... maybe the business owner is really good at design but they need someone to go out and sell more... stuff.


The point I’m making is that there’s a dog for every task. The tricky bit is for the business owner to recognise there are other people about who can help them and then to let go of some of the tasks they may have thought only they can do.

I’ve recognised that I just might not the perfect woofer for every occasion, although I do still think I’m perfect for me owner.

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