Wednesday 20 June 2012

Holidays - day two

Well, it was rise and shine bright and early on day 2 of me holidays. Day 1 sees me and me humans walk the first part of St Cuthbert's way from Melrose to Mounthooly... A breezy 17 miles with only one broken ankle to report on the way. Day 2 dawned a lovely day and we was off before 9... partly because we had another 17 miles to do but mostly because we were scared of the fearsome landlady of the 'rustic' B and B we were staying in. It was lovely walking weather as we progressed along the last part of Deere Street - an old Roman Road which has been in continuous use for more than 2,000 years. Me human Richard told Renee and me that and kept us hugely entertained with a string of really quite boring facts covering just about every subject we could possibly not be interested in. Anyway, we were making good time when we encountered a different kind of beast than the woolly bleaters from the stay before. (Talking about bleating, it turned out that Richard's shattered ankle was no such thing and he'd forgotten about it... until, that is, Renee mentioned it, when it started hurting again. Strange that.) Anyway, back to the creatures. These ones were big, solemn, chewed a lot and had a strange bag dangling from their hind quarters. Most inconvenient it looked, too. For some reason these big ol' beasts excited me and I wanted to go an play; but I had to look after me human Renee who was looking very scared, so I kept her on her lead. I have to say lunch in a place called Morebattle (which is nothing to with warfare, but probably to do with the ancient word for 'peat bog' (thanks, Dick (and I use the word advisedly)) was very good, but me bum was beginning to itch and then downright hurt. The only thing to give relief was sitting on it, jumping in a river or running about like a mad thing... None of those things are easy to do all the time so it was a combination of all 3 that kept me going. After lunch it was straight up Wide Open Hill 357 metres (where do you think that fact came from?) A tough climb but a great view and a descent into Town Yelthom (pronounced Yettum... so why don't they spell it that way?). The Plough Inn was good and there was a million dogs in the bar which would have been great if it wasn't for me bum which was really hurting by now. We were early to bed because me humans, bless 'em, needed the rest. But I was up in the middle of the night yelping because me backside was really smarting. The only place I could get it cool enough and stop it flashing like a Bolesha Beacon was the bathroom floor and even then Richard had to wrap himself in a sheet and lie on the floor with me before I could get to sleep. Next week I'll tell you more about me bum and what happened on day 3 of me holibags. Do let me knlow what you think and send in your holiday experiences... I'll try to mention them in a future blog.

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