Monday 13 September 2010

I thought I was cool...

I have this image of meself in mind...

I'm roguish and rakish, much like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, savvy?  Cool, a hit with the ladies and able to do my job (attracting clients into me human's shop) superbly well.

Now I'm not so sure... rather than being Cap'n Jack Sparrow I wonder if I'm actually a bit of Jason King.

If you don't know who Jason King was, 'ave a look at this and you'll see why I'm so worried.

So what's caused this crisis of confidence I'm suffering from.  Well, I always thought paws planted on middriff and a well aimed lick of the face was a sure fire winner.  Dead cute and 100% certain to get either a) a stroke, b) some food or c) (least important) a new client.

Apparently not.

I recently did my cutish jump up, but it turns out I'm a bit bigger than I remember.  Paws got planted on boobs and comedy paw marks were left on either side of a pristine white T-shirt.  Me human wasn't best pleased.

Okay, not to worry, I can stop that easily enough... but I really put me paw in it on Saturday... literally.

How was I supposed to know that purple paint (and gloss to boot) isn't really good on carpets.  I couldn't help it.  When I saw the lady from over the landing painting her front door, I had to go for it.  Unfortunately I skidded and totally failed to come to a halt.  My front paws ended int he paint pot.

The scream from me human scared me half to death and I made the mistake of running into the house!

Just like you people in business world, I think I need to adjust me approach.  After all, what worked yesterday isn't necessarily goin' to work today.

My human is pretty good at keeping an eye on trends of what's working and isn't, particularly when thinking about marketing.  In fact she spends a day every quarter with some bloke

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