Wednesday 14 August 2013

A holiday of 2 halves

As you may have realised I've taken me humans on holibags... although we're back in Edinburgh today...

Well, we had to be didn't we?  Me adoring fans at the Festival haven't had the chance to see me and take photos.  That's comin' this afters so there should be lots more pics up on me Facebook page later on.

Anyway, me hols are going well, thanks very much for asking.

We travelled darn sarth on Friday night and got to Richard's mum and dads' very late... it was so late it was early the next morning.

'Shhhh,' says Renee as she was fumbling at the lock, 'People will be asleep.'

So, of course, I thrust passed her, banging the front door open with a crash before jumping up on me nan and granddad's bed to announce me arrival.

A very nice weekend we had but then had to move to Kidderminster where Richard was doin' some work.  In all honesty we were having a hard time finding somewhere to stay... not many hotels take untrained humans.

But eventually Richard rings the place he always stays at (a Menzies Hotel called The Stourport Manor) and they allowed dogs!

To be a bit more accurate they more than allowed dogs... they were truly doggy friendly.

At one point I thought I was goin' to be dognapped by the receptionist... she was very, errr, enthusiastic.  I don't often say this, but even I was getting tired of the constant hugging and the embarrassment of the long queue of people not able to check out because I was wiv me latest squeeze.

But, I have to say, the hotel staff really knew how to be doggy friendly.  Brilliant and well done.

Now, this morning back in Edinburgh me humans decided I needed an MOT.  Something about vaccinations and worming tablets.

I don't know what they were on about.

But horror of horrors, it was the Vet for me.

No I don't mind a nice vet but a year ago I sealed me bum over with poo. 

Don't laugh, it was horrible and it's just a function of me lovely curls.

Anyway. I was taken to the vet who proceeded to shave my arse.  But he shaved a bit close and gave me razor burn.  My backside was brighter than one of the landing lights at Edinburgh Airport!

This morning, it turns out that the same vet who shaved me nethers was going to be sticking a needle in me.  Just a little prick... and I ain't talking about the injection.

Needless to say, I saw an opportunity so I took it.

I don't think I actually broke the skin but the vet kept his fingers and toes well inside the carriage after that, I can tell you.

Now I don't condone that sort of thing and Richard certainly gave me a stern telling off, just as he was slipping me a crafty biscuit...

Off to the Festival now... see you next week!

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