Tuesday 6 August 2013

Penny Swallowing Children

My Bruvva, Adam, had to have an operation yesterday.

Very off putting it was and I won't give you the gory details 'cos they're... well, gory!

Suffice it to say he did very well for a fella who isn't covered in fur, even if the blood on his jam sandwich was a bit off putting when he was eating it!

It's funny, ain't it, how we get worked up about things.  Me human, Richard was in a bit of state all day, waiting for news.  Of course, we all got worried about the bit when Adam was having his op but it's probably the recovery bit that's going to be more difficult.

Fortunately, he should be right as nine pence in a few days, which is good, 'cos the non-hairy little fella is taking me to the festival... not to see any shows, of course, but to see how many people take my picture.

You'll have seen that I've got a new Facebook page (www.facebook.com/barneytaxassist) where me adoring fans can upload their pictures of me... hopefully there'll be a real Barney community before long with people from around the world uploading their pics!

Anyway... back to getting worked up about things, which is where I started all this.

Me human Richard was in Ireland a few weeks ago.  There was a lady on his course who had just come back from maternity leave after having her third puppy.

No, I didn't mean puppy... I meant baby.

Richard was asking her about how having a third baby was different from the first.

'Well, sure now,' said the lady (she was from Ireland, after all), 'It's like this... when your first child does the inevitable and swallows a penny you dash to Casualty, pull up out side, dash in with tears running down your face and shouting 'my baby, my baby!''

She pauses for a minute.  'With your second, it's different.  When he swallows a penny you're careful for a bit and search through his... errr... excavations to make sure the penny makes it all the way through.'

And the third?

'Ah, now, that's different again.  When your third child swallows a penny you ask for the change!'

So, although it seems horrible to Adam and Richard's been like a bear with a sore head... it's probably best not to get too worked up!  It will all come right in the end!

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