Tuesday 23 July 2013

A Dog's Clothes Say a Lot About Him

I have to say I had a narrow escape last Christmas.

Me human Renee decided that perhaps a luxurious rasta fur coat like mine wasn't enough and that maybe I needed some, well, human clothes to go with it.

So, she proceeded to buy me a kilt and Bonny Prince Charlie jacket.  What was she thinking?  I mean, talk about ridiculously embarrassing for a cool woofer like me.

OMG me other human Richard was drinking a cup of coffee when she told him what she'd done.  It's the first time I've ever seen coffee come out of someone's nose.  I think it must have burned on the way out, too, 'cos he didn't half jump about for a few minutes.

Anyway I had to wait, with some nervousness it has to be said, for the day when me new clothes arrived.  Renee planned for weeks what she was going to do.  Dress me up at Christmas, take photos and generally make me look like... well, I'll leave it your imagination what I'd look like.

The fateful day arrived and, glory of glories, hallelujah and praise the great big bone in the sky, the outfit didn't fit.

I think both Renee and Richard were disappointed but probably for different reasons...

But at least all this brings me on to the outrageous point I've been trying to get to.

Children's clothes don't have VAT on them.  Why?  Don't ask me 'cos I don't know.  I'm just a dog.  Something to do with them being dependent or somefink like that.

This got Renee thinking.  Should a woofer's clothes also be free of VAT?  Well, outrageously, it turns out they're not.  But why?  After all, I'm a dependent, I'm only 4 (although some would say that's 28 in dog years) and I bring loads to the Scottish economy...

It's discrimination if you ask me...

(Actually, I think that it might be simply that a dog has enough clothes (fur coat, nae knickers) of his own without needing a Bonny Prince Charlie to make him look like a muppet.)

Having said that, me new high viz vest is very fetching.  Have a look at Facebook and search Tax Assist West Edinburgh for a rather splendid picture of me in me new outfit...

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